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Monday, August 19, 2024

In the jail visitation room, Poppy sobbed, begging Li to help her. Poppy said she'd been set up for two murders. She hadn't drugged those men, and she didn't want the perpetrator to get away with it. Li said she wouldn't know where to start. Poppy believed that the backpack was the key, and if they found the person who'd planted it in the apartment, they'd find the killer.

Worried about Luna, Poppy was glad her daughter had Bill. Poppy said Bill was the father Luna had always wanted. "The father you kept from her," Li replied. Poppy thought she'd done what was best for her daughter. Li said it had been for Poppy's own sake, too, as always, just like when Poppy had gone to see Tom before his performance. Despite that, Li knew that Poppy was no murderer. Glad to hear it, Poppy asked Li to protect Luna.

Li promised to look out for Luna and make sure she was okay. Li asked why Poppy thought she'd been framed. Poppy didn't know why else the backpack had been at her apartment. A guard arrived, saying that time was up. Poppy implored Li to take care of Luna and find the real killer. Poppy said she was counting on Li.

At Bill's house, Luna told Bill that he wasn't her father, but he was the most compassionate, beautiful man she'd ever met. To his surprise, she kissed him. She guessed it was the last thing he'd expected. She hadn't expected any of it, either. She grinned.

Bill stood up, saying Luna couldn't do that. He asked why she'd kissed him. He figured her emotions were all over the place, but he needed to know that she knew she couldn't do that. Luna apologized. She hadn't known what had come over her. Bill stated that it was an emotionally charged time, and Poppy meant everything to Luna. Luna loved her mother but wondered if Poppy had altered the paternity test and killed those men.

Luna shrieked, wondering if her own mother would do it. Bill offered to get Luna some counseling for everything she had going on, but she said she still needed to process it. He told her that he was there for her, and his home was her home. "But what happened earlier can never happen again," he emphasized.

Luna couldn't believe how wonderful he was, even though he wasn't her father. She'd only had her mom before, and until she'd met Bill, no man had cared for or accepted her the way he had. She hugged him and thanked him.

In the design office, Hope tried to work but wound up panicking as she recalled Finn insisting on telling Steffy about the kiss. Brooke arrived to share the news about Poppy's arrest. Brooke said Poppy denied it, and Brooke suggested maybe someone was trying to set Poppy up. Hope asked who would do that and wondered how Bill was taking it.

Brooke was sure that Bill was shocked and devastated after trying to build a family with Poppy, and if Tom Starr was really Luna's father, it would undo everything Bill and Luna had thought they'd found together. As Brooke went on about Bill's situation, she noted that Hope wasn't listening. "You're thinking about Steffy's husband again, aren't you?" Brooke asked.

Hope asserted that she hadn't wanted any of it, especially because of her history with Steffy, starting with Liam. Hope had thought they'd moved on from it, but then Hope's life had fallen apart. She'd started seeing how committed Finn was to Steffy, and she could see that Steffy didn't fully appreciate it. Brooke said it didn't matter if Steffy appreciated it or not.

Hope knew it didn't give her a pass to mess with Steffy's marriage, but Hope couldn't help her feelings. She'd lost someone important to her, and her feelings for Finn had evolved. She said she could see that he could be a great friend, partner, and lover. "Wait! What? You're not telling me that you and Finn -- " Brooke asked.

Hope said nothing like that had happened. Brooke assumed something else had. "Answer me, Hope!" Brooke exclaimed. Hope replied that it had just happened; she hadn't been able to help herself. Brooke asked what Hope had done, as Brooke thought they could deal with it together.

Hope replied that it was out of her hands. She'd screwed up and had acted without thinking. She said the Champagne might be partially to blame. Brooke begged to know what had happened, and Hope admitted that she'd kissed Finn.

At the cliff house, Steffy wondered what Finn was so intense about, but before he could tell her, Taylor entered the living room. Finn hugged her, saying she'd been missed. She apologized for interrupting, and Steffy revealed that Finn had been about to tell her something about Hope.

Taylor offered to let them talk alone, but Finn said it was okay because Taylor's return was a big deal. Taylor admired the couple and how much they loved and respected each other. She wondered who wouldn't want what they had.

Later, Taylor was saying that Steffy had felt outnumbered against Hope and Brooke, but Taylor was back. Taylor received a message and said she had to do a few things to get her practice back up and running. Finn and Steffy were excited and believed the kids would be, too.

Taylor took off, and Steffy asked Finn what he had to say about Hope. Finn informed Steffy that something had happened at Brooke's party. Finn reminded Steffy of when she'd taken the phone call during Danny's performance. He said Hope had taken him aside. Steffy asked what had happened. Finn replied that Hope had caught him off guard.

Steffy asked again what Hope had done, but she was stunned when Finn said, "Hope kissed me." He said he'd been shocked and had pushed her away. "Your lips met...You kissed Hope?" Steffy asked.

Poppy is arrested for murder on The Bold and The Beautiful
Jamison Belushi makes her debut in new B&B hot plot


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